MatWorkz Body Awareness
Here’s the universal truth: every body is different. And while we all share certain commonalities, it’s these differences that make us unique. That’s why listening and learning are essential to any successful Pilates or fitness program. At MatWorkz, we built our practice around core beliefs and our Body Awareness approach.
Your muscles, bones, joints, and brain all contribute to how your body finds itself in space. By educating you on the where, how, and what of your movement an awareness is created. This translates into an opportunity for you to experience other movement patterns, which we have found leads to better body alignment.
MatWorkz Body Awareness is built on a foundation of leading by listening, focusing on communication and feedback, imagery, general movement, and the guiding principles of Pilates and GYROTONIC®. Working together, we help connect you to the deeper hidden awareness of your body. The goal is simple; the more aware you are the more you can strengthen and heal your mind, body, and spirit.
MatWorkz Body Awareness is at the heart of our mission, helping you access the power of movement to strengthen and find your unique balance. We want all of our clients to practice new ways to move and think differently and experience a transformation that supports optimum movement for life and living.